Savanah + Christian - La Maison Rose Cafe - Grimsby- Romantic Valentines Day Dinner

For Valentine’s Day this year we were lucky to partner with Anne at La Maison Rose Cafe to giveaway a romantic dinner for two. We met with Anne to discuss the giveaway and got to see inside the cafe prior to their grand opening. We could tell it was a unique space that would attract attention, especially from the locals living in the condos within walking distance. 


When it came to the giveaway we put out a call for a couple with a unique love story, Anne received so many entries. Each story was beautiful so we decided to select a top few and use a random name generator to determine the winner. The lucky winner were Savanah and Christian. We met them on Valentines Day at the cafe for a few photos before they started their meal. 

They got to dine under a beautifully decorated cherry tree next to the violinist and cellist. A truly memorable dining experience. 

Venue: La Maison Rose Cafe, Violinist: Laila Verduyn, Cellist: Tina Labanowicz

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